Deep Sleep Music - 10 Hours of Calming White Noise for Mom & Baby

Deep Sleep Music - 10 Hours of Calming White Noise for Mom & Baby

The Benefits of White Noise for Mothers and Babies As a new mother, there's nothing more important than finding ways to help you and your little one get some much-needed rest. One of the best options is using calming white noise. Not only will it help your baby sleep more soundly, but it can also provide numerous other benefits for both of you! Let's take a closer look at why white noise is such an important tool for mothers and babies.

Why White Noise Helps Babies Sleep Better White noise has been proven incredibly effective in helping babies fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. When babies are born, they’re used to the constant sounds of the womb—the thumping of your heart, the gurgles in your stomach, etc.—so sudden silence can feel overwhelming or even frightening. That’s why white noise is so beneficial; it mimics some of those sounds from the womb and helps create a calmer atmosphere for the baby to drift off into dreamland.

The Benefits of White Noise For Moms It’s not just babies who benefit from white noise; moms do, too! In fact, using white noise while nursing can actually help stimulate milk production by releasing oxytocin—a hormone that helps with breast milk production—into your bloodstream. As an added bonus, if you use white noise while nursing late at night or early in the morning when everyone else is still asleep, it can also help mask any noises that would otherwise wake them up (or keep them awake). This means both you and the baby can get some undisturbed rest!

How to Use White Noise Safely White noise should be used safely and in moderation, especially with newborns who may be more sensitive to loud noises. Make sure you keep all white noise devices away from cribs or anywhere else where the baby could come into contact with them. Additionally, try to limit the volume of any device to a low hum (around 50dB), as anything higher may damage their hearing over time. Finally, ensure you turn off or reduce any white noisemakers once the baby falls asleep—otherwise, they may become conditioned to needing that sound to sleep through the night!

White noise is an invaluable tool for mothers and their babies alike! It helps create a calming atmosphere that makes falling asleep easier for both mommy and baby. Plus, using it while nursing can stimulate milk production, which can be incredibly helpful during those middle-of-the-night feedings! Just remember to use it safely by keeping all devices away from cribs and limiting their volume level so as not to damage young ears over time. With just a few simple steps like these, calming white noise can make sleeping much easier for you and your little one!

Sleep Deeply.


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